Friday, April 27, 2012

Make Money With Lberty Reserve Account

This is a easiest to make money on the web using LIBERTY RESERVE account.

It's A down line invesment which cost just $5 to operate, just read though and invest.
It is 100% legal.

Just takes 20 minutes and $5 invesment.

proven by various highly respected U.S, T,V and Radio programs and begin 100% legal.

Everyone can participate, earn your money, sell your on liberty reserve, cash your money in your local bank account enjoy!


You must have liberty reserve account. If you do not have libertey reserve account you can go to  an follow the instruction to create a free account, Libertey Reserve is 100% cecured.

STEP 2: Follow the instruction on how to fund your account, fund with $6. Search for the closest one in your country from Liberety Reserve page

After funding send ;

1. U5770011
2. U2969685
3. U8490674
4. U6662676
5. U3163330

When you send, under the comment just write" Please add me to your account account list". Remember all this is legal! You are creating a service. If you have any doubit; please to titel 18 sec 1302&1241 of the united states postel low.

STEP 3: Adding your own Liberty Reserve account
After you send $1 to each of the account above, copy and this massage on MICROSOFT WORD or NOTEPAD etc and
then add your Liberty Reserve account number to the above list at position 6 and take number

 One account i.e U0598725 Off the list
The whole accounts to register will now become

1. U2969685
2. U8490674
3. U6662676
4. U3163330
5. U( your account number) (just added. No. 5 )

Make sure the account you supply is exactly the same as it appears on Liberty Reserve. By doing this you will receive $1 continuously to your account until your account gets to the number 1.

Position when it will be removed.

STEE  4:
Save your mailing list, then copy and post the saved massage indifferent forums like; webcosmoforum
 .com,, e.t.c

up to 200 forums/boards if possible. Because, the more forum the more the inflow of cash to your Liberty Reserve account ( the more your post the more you make money) As you make your post on forums, fill the subject which will be the header (MAKE MONEY WITH LIBERTY REAERVE ACCOUNT) that everybody sees as they scroll through and that's it.


When you post 200 massages in verious forums, it is estimated that at least 15 people will respond and send you $1 each and that gives you $15 then, 15 people will post 200 massage each and 15*15=225 people will respond and that gives you $225 and this goes on up to 5 stages then your account number will be out of the list and can start again from stage 1 but by then you are already a millinaire but note if you  spam, your account number will be removed (they know how to detect frauds)
For comprehensive purpose, here is an easy viewing chart; you can do the calculations in your country's currency.
15(1) = 15 people ($1) =$15
15(15) =225 people ($1) =225
15(225) =337 people ($1) =$3375
15(3375) =50625 people ($1) = 50625
15(50625) =759375 people ($1) = $759375

You will receive money in few days!

"Try this money making invesment and see how life will transform to riches! It has changed my life and that's why the massage is Free!"


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